Follow the Science
We hear an urgent plea these days, to "follow the science." Science is promoted as the guardian of all things truthful and factual. The mantra seems to be, "If science says it is so, it is so." But just how reliable is "science"?
We hear an urgent plea these days, to "follow the science." Science is promoted as the guardian of all things truthful and factual. The mantra seems to be, "If science says it is so, it is so." But just how reliable is "science"?
Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity Mandates are destroying our Society.
"Doomscrolling" is a term now being applied to describe the obsessive behaviour of spending massive amounts of time scrolling through negative news.
What tactic do the radicals of ISIS, the revolutionaries of Maoist China and the current Social Justice movement have in common? All of these movements have attempted to distort the perception of history in their efforts to affect social change.
Is there a grand conspiracy to rule the world and covertly place earth's inhabitants in a state of servitude to a wealthy, power-crazed group of elites?
For thousands of years, mankind has been fascinated with the roles of real or imagined conspiracies in the lives of individuals and societies. It's no different today.
If a legend exists in multiple sources, behind that legend there must be a truth.
In years past, to be a man, to be truly masculine, universally meant to be strong, to be a provider and to learn to exercise responsibility and authority, making decisions for the benefit of family, employer and society.
For a good portion of the 20th century, many academics working in the fields of biology, biochemistry and related disciplines largely accepted the postulate that life on earth evolved slowly after the mysterious origin of some type of living
On the front of the Canadian two-dollar coin is the image of an animal, Ursus maritimus, the polar bear, a creature of rare beauty.
Enjoy our first extended compilation Viewpoint which examines five examples of creatures whose very existence is evidence of design.