Winston Gosse

Ending the Generation Gap

Historically, most youth have showed respect for their elders through simple gestures such as standing up when an elder enters a room or offering them a seat on public transportation. It was taken for granted as the thing to do.

What's Your Code of Honor?

Do we show honour towards each other or has society, in its failure to differentiate between right and wrong, also lost its adherence to a conventional standard of conduct? Do you live by The Honour Principle?

The Blame Game

Have you ever played the blame game? Is there ever a winner in this game that is growing ever more popular?

Read To Your Children

“Winnie-the-Pooh looked round to see that nobody was listening, put his paw to his mouth, and said in a deep whisper: ‘Honey!’” It has been said that “Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.

The Scourge of Loneliness

In January 2018 the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced the creation of a new ministerial portfolio in her cabinet for the purpose of combating loneliness. How do we combat the scourge of loneliness?

The Monster In Our Mouth

Do you have a monster in your mouth? The tongue is only a little part of the body, yet it can produce powerful words of both blessing and cursing.

What's In a Name?

What's in a name? Juliet asked this of her beloved Romeo in Shakespeare's most famous work? What about your name? Do you have a good reputation?

Cohabitate or Wait

Moving in with your significant other is an important decision and should not be taken lightly. Are there repercussions to living together before exchanging wedding vows? Should you cohabitate or wait?

Materialism Merry-Go-Round

Does "a person's life really consist in the abundance of his possessions?" Does happiness and contentment result from the accumulation of things? Are you stuck on the Materialism Merry-Go-Round?

Self-Esteem vs Self-Control

Do you have good self-esteem? Do you have good self-control? If you were posed the question as to which of the two is most beneficial and most important for success in life, what kind of response would you give?