
Creating a Bipolar World

The Russian-Ukraine war that began in February 2022 will have a significant impact on the relationships between nations for years to come, despite any peace deals that will arise.

The Flagellum Bacteria—Proof of Design?

When reporting on the subject, mainstream western media portray Intelligent Design (sometimes referred to simply as I.D.) as a battle between religion and science, between the ignorant and the educated, between people led by blind emotion versus l

Will You Just Follow The Crowd?

In 1951, a psychologist by the name of Solomon Asch conducted a rather unnerving experiment. It showed that reason and logic are much less important factors in human decision making than one might assume.

The Origins of Halloween

Do you know why people dress up on October 31st and parade around in their ghost or witch costume? They will undoubtedly answer: well yes, because it's Halloween! And they are right! But that was not the point of my question.

Critical Race Theory

In recent years, we have seen protests, riots, and a slew of news headlines increasing in frequency, focusing on the issue of systemic racism within different areas of society.